The basic support for people with cancer usually does (and certainly should) come from family and friends. However, sometimes the person with this life-threatening disease feels obliged to comfort and cheer up the family. He is not really able to confide his own fears and talk over his honest feelings with anyone. For this he needs a stranger, someone he does not have to be strong for, yet someone who has ‘been there’ and can share feelings and possible coping methods.
- Elaine Pedigo, volunteer
To help people diagnosed with cancer and their loved ones navigate the path through diagnosis, treatment and recovery by pairing them with a trained survivor of a similar experience so they can face cancer with someone who's been there.
Established in 1988, Friend for Life is a network of cancer survivors and caregivers who serve as trained volunteers, providing one-to-one emotional and psychosocial support to others facing a similar experience. Facing cancer with someone who has been through a similar experience helps to restore a sense of stability during a tumultuous time and to navigate the path through diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
Support is provided by cancer survivors and caregivers who have received training developed by healthcare professionals to prepare them for their role as peer mentors. Support is available for adults facing any form of cancer.
Friend for Life volunteers: